Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mommy's helper

Max is just over 2 years old. I love this little guy more then anything in the world. He has a wonderful personality, always wanting to help me out. The other day we were at Walmart picking up some things we needed. He was in the cart eating his churro as he watched me jump as high as I could to reach the diapers at the back of the top shelf. After a few failed frustrating attempts to reach them, I looked around to see if I could find someone to help me out. I turned to Max as said, "I help you, mommy." My frustration melted as I smiled back at him and said "Ok baby, thank you." I unbuckled the seatbelt and picked him up out of the cart. I held him over my head and onto the top shelf and my little helper reached the extra 4 inches I could not to finally get those diapers.
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