Sunday, August 12, 2012

End of week 2

Yesterday was the end of week 2 of my running schedule. I ran the 3 miles at 5.2 mph, finishing with a time of 34:38. The night before I'd run 2 miles at 5.3 mph, finishing time of 22:38 (my fastest!), but it was EXHAUSTING. I told myself if I ran a tiny bit slower I wouldn't wear myself out before reaching 3 miles, which is what I was afraid would happen. At the beginning of my run my goal was to run 2 miles at 5.2 and the last mile at a 5. But as I past 2 miles I told myself, "OK, I made it to my goal. Anytime now I can slow down to 5 mph, but I bet I could make it to 2.25 miles. Afterall, I ran last nights 2 miles faster than I did today." So I focused on the movie playing on the screen in front of me and kept running.

I continued to set small attainable goals, finally finishing the 3 miles going the same speed the entire run. It was hard! Thinking about how next Saturday I'm supposed to run 4 miles is frightening to me! But, as my sister always says, I can do hard things. I am very thankful that I have the ability to push myself past what I believe is my limit. I am also very thankful I do not have asthma!

Tomorrow I am supposed to run/walk 3.5 miles. My goal is to try to run this entire length at 5.2 mph. I already did 3 miles at that speed, realistically I could probably make it another 1/2 mile further at it. 3.5 miles sounds so intimidating to me though! I've only ever ran 3 miles twice before yesterday, so a total of 3 times. I've never ran 3.5 miles and I'm nervous I won't make it. I am going to try my hardest though, and I will make it.

I love the "high" I get from running. I feel so alive as I breathe in and out telling myself I am amazing and can make it to the next .25 mile. I love how my skin tingles with excitement while my chest pounds like a drum. I love how I feel after I run, red faced and dripping with sweat. I love that I improve every time I run; even if it's only an improvement of a few seconds. These feelings are what drives my goal to become a runner.

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